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Light Roasted Wush Wush Coffee Variety, Uniquely Processed & Farmed by Oscar Hernandez 

200g €24,75 (1kg/ €123,75) 

We are pleased to continue our partnership with Oscar Hernandez for the second year in a row. We are honoured to work with such a remarkable producer who excels in every aspect of the coffee-making process. This time, we are excited to introduce a rare gem called Wush Wush, which has gained a devoted fan base in recent years due to its unique and complex characteristics. While it is often compared to Gesha, Wush Wush stands out on its own merits, and for good reason. This beautifully diverse variety offers predominant sweetness, as well as a delicate, floral, and fruity flavor profile that is simply unparalleled. Imagine this extraordinary variety thriving in the perfect conditions and carefully tended to with innovative tech/biotech methods at Los Nogales. The meticulous research and advancements in pulp processing, harvesting, drying, and transportation result in a truly exceptional cup of coffee. Don't just take our word for it, try it for yourself and experience the unmatched quality of Wush Wush.



Wush Wush Coffee Variety
Like many other heirloom varieties found in Ethiopia's coffee growing regions, Wush Wush is named after the location where it was first discovered. Wushwush (no space), a small region in southwest Ethiopia, is known for its fertile highlands that produce rich and vibrant teas, similar to the sensory characteristics found in Wush Wush coffee. It followed the footsteps of the renowned coffee variety, Geisha, and made its way to South America about 30 years ago. Today, it can be found in Colombia, where the high altitude and fertile growing conditions create the perfect environment for this rare and sought-after variety, resulting in a floral and delicate cup profile that consumers expect.
The varietal is known to possess a good tolerance to a range of climates but produces a low yield. Wush Wush is prone to adapt and change, with tree morphology varying significantly: this means that, when farmers wish to replant, mature tree selection is required in order to ensure a consistent crop.

Process details

Wush Wush Coffee Variety Washed
Process details
-Good picking of ripe fruits. In this step, it is ensured that the ripe fruits are picked. This is crucial to obtain high quality beans, since the ripe fruits have the optimal flavour and aroma.

-Cleaning and disinfection with treated water. The harvested coffee beans undergo thorough cleaning and disinfection using treated water. This helps eliminate impurities and unwanted microorganisms.

-Selection by density. The coffee beans are immersed in water and a selection by density is carried out. Grains with higher density tend to sink, while grains with lower density float. This helps separate quality beans from defective ones.

-Thermal shock. Sleceted beans are subjected to thermalshock with 80 degrees celcius water for 20 seconds, followed by rapid cooling with cold water for 3 to 5 minutes. This process breaks down the sugars and pasteurised the beans, which contributes to the final flavour of the coffee.
-Pulping and adding sugars. The coffee beana are pulped, and sugars obtained by pressing the shells of the same beans ( Coffee Cherries) are added. This can improve the flavour profile and give the coffee certain sweet notes.

-Fermentation. Coffee beans undergo a fermentation process that last 120 hours. During this time, sugars break down, which influences the flavour and acidity of the coffee. The addition of prefermenters, similar to sourdough in bread, is also mentioned, which can provide unique characteristics to the coffee.

-Sun drying. Finally, the fermented coffee beans ( Coffee Cherries) are dried in the sun for 15 days. This step is essential to reduce the moisture of the beans to a level suitable for long-term storage and to further develop the flavour of the coffee.


Origin: Colombia
Farm: Los Nogales
Region: Pitalito, Huila
Altitude: 1870-2000 m.s.l.
Area : 20 ½ hectares
Shade: Native trees

Coffee Supply Chain

Actors involved in the coffee supply chain
Oscar Hernandez (Los Nogales Farm) – CATA Exports - Lucky Cat - YOU 🫵🏼

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